Wednesday, June 4, 2008

$22.00 Reuben

So I've done it - dove into the world of blogs. We'll see if I can keep up with all of you experts. I'm trying to keep up with the MySpace and Facebook thing, considering I haven't updated either in months I can already admit my challenge here. But, with a little one on the way maybe I will be inspired to share on a more frequent basis. I'll try not to make this all about the prego stuff going on right now, but for those of you that say it's blissful - YOU LIE! It's amazing, yes, but it's full of suprises and things that should really be kept to yourself. Especially on my first blog post. One things that does come with pregnancy though is my ability to EAT more than I ever have. Suddenly - large amounts of food don't gross me out. And with that I'll leave you with the $22.00 reuben sandwich Dom and I shared at Carnegie deli in NYC not too long ago. He almost fell out of his chair, I tucked my napkin in my shirt. What? It's the hormones.

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